tiistai 18. lokakuuta 2011

My Favorite Painter

Muutama viikko sitten siivosin vanhempieni kotoa löytyneet kouluaikaiset tavarani. Löytyi kaikkea, tämä englanninkielen koeaineeni abiturienttivuodelta.
My favorite painter is Vincent van Gogh, born in 1853. His way to an artist was very difficult. As he was a priest´s son, it was not easy for him to get this field, even though some of Vincent´s relatives were in art business.
There are two works of his I find more interesting than the others. The "Night Café" is "... a night picture without any black in it, done with nothing but beautiful blue and violet and green" as Gogh himself has wrote about it to his brother Theo. The other one is his last work. In it the sun is rising over a field of young wheat.
Gogh committed a suicide in 1890. He was mentally ill and it broke him down. While Gogh was living he did not sell any of his works; only now have people noticed his greatness. I think that it is just that hardness which makes his paintings so great and impressive. Sometimes they are even frightening.

Katso lisää:

Mutta se laatikko, missä ovat kaikki yläkouluaikaiset kirjelappuset, ei löytynyt.

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